Board Meetings

There are no board meetings scheduled until a new constitution is approved by NPDLL and Little League International.  Once a new constitution is approved, monthly board meetings will be scheduled and communicated.  Thank you for your understanding.



2015-2016 Board Considerations

The following the list of 2015-2016 board considerations:

Eligible to run for board

Brian Barnes Shawn Hawley
Mark Battle Matt Kalinowski
Alan Chillot Shawn McMillen
John DeStefano Dan McNutt
Brian Dymek Jamie Pabst
Trevor Hafner Joe Walsh

Eligible to vote for board

Brian Barnes Shawn Hawley
Mark Battle Matt Kalinowski
Brett Bealer Sara Kane
Dave Berry Mike Kowalski
Earl Brinkman Aaron Lankford
Jerry Burke Rob Leuthe
Al Chillot Rob Lougee
John DeStefano John McCollum
Lisa DeStefano Jodie McMillen
Brian Dymek Shawn McMillen
Gary Fanucci Dan McNutt
Sue Fanucci Jamie Pabst
Andrea Gioupis Paul Posluszny
Leon Gioupis Mark Seidita
Pete Gutowski Paul Trygar
Trevor Hafner Stefanie Trygar
Jeff Hatala Walter Tucky
Missy Hatala Joe Walsh
Ed Gray  

Any questions in regards to eligibility can be discussed at a question and answer session that has been setup with District 17 officials.  This meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Sept 27th from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM, before the General Membership Meeting.

2015/16 General Membership Meeting & Board Election

The 2015/16 General Membership Meeting & Board Election has been rescheduled per guidelines in the current NPDLL constitution for Sunday, Sept 27 at 6:30 PM.  This date and time has been approved by District 17 officials.  Currently the location is TBD but will be communicated once a location is finalized.  A question and answer session will be held from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM with District 17 officials.  The general election/vote for the 2015/2016 Board of Directors will take place at 7:30 PM, supervised by District 17 officials.  The final list of individuals eligible to run for the 2015/

General Election Meeting Update

The General Election Meeting scheduled for Wed Sept 16th is being postponed per direction from District 17 officials.  In its place is scheduled a closed door executive board meeting with District 17 representatives due to NPDLL’s Little League Charter being place on temporary hold by Little League International.  The General Election Meeting will be rescheduled at a future date and time.

2015 Voting & Board Eligibility

The league has received questions about eligibility to vote at the Sept General Membership Meeting and also eligibility to run for a position on the 2015-2016 NPDLL board.

Per the league constitution, those classified as Regular Members in good standing are eligible to vote at General Membership Meetings.  Regular Members are defined as Officers, Board Members, Committee Members, Managers, Coaches, Volunteer Umpires.

The constitution also states that if individuals do not fall under the above Regular Member classification, they can be considered a Regular Member if they: