In 1938, a man named Carl Stotz hit upon the idea for an organized baseball league for the boys in his hometown of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. After enlisting the help of other community members, they had their first Board of Directors. Yet, the league still had no name and no games were played that year. A year later, in 1939, Carl and the community came up with a name: Little League. On June 6th of that year, the very first Little League game was played in Williamsport. From those humble beginnings, Little League Baseball has become the world’s largest organized youth sports program. In the space of just six decades, Little League grew from three teams to nearly 200,000 teams, in all 50 U.S. states and more than 80 countries. North Pocono Dandy Lion Little League, based in the North Pocono area of northeast Pennsylvania, celebrated it's 65th year as a league in 2014. We have over 400 players ranging in age from 5 to 18 years on 30+ baseball and softball teams. North Pocono's motto is "Where the children come first." and it's obvious in all we do.