Our spring 2022 Little League Registration is now OPEN!! Please register by February 15, 2022 for the Early Bird Discount on pricing. We are offering T-ball for ages 4 and up (Must be age 4 by August 31, 2022), Coach Pitch baseball and softball, Minor League baseball and softball, Major League baseball and softball, and Teener League (ages 13-16) baseball.
The link to register for the season is: https://tshq.bluesombrero.com/npoconodandylionll
Our pricing is as follows:
T-ball: $50
Coach Pitch: $70
Minor League: $90
Major League: $90
Teener League: $90
Tryout information will be forthcoming for Minor and Major divisions only.
If you are interested in sponsoring a team, please email our league email address: board@northpoconolittleleague.com
We are looking forward to the upcoming season!!!