Volunteers interested in managing / coaching for the 2017 season, need to have their Little League volunteer form as well as a current PA child abuse clearance turned into the league before the February membership meeting. Forms can be filled out at the January 28th registration @ NPI 9AM to 1PM or e-mailed to paulwgreg@gmail.com - note level of interest. Managers / Coaches should review the league membership levels, Feb.15th deadline for submissions.
Membership Levels - http://northpoconobaseball.com/membership-levels.
Volunteer Application - http://northpoconobaseball.com/forms-parents
Next public meeting will be held Wednesday, 2/22, at 7:00pm at the North Pocono Library. Following the meeting, the board will be holding an executive session to discuss and vote on managers for the upcoming 2017 season.
Come on out and be part of the NPDLL family for the 2017 season.