North Pocono Pre-Season Baseball Camp

North Pocono Pre-Season Baseball Camp

When: Sunday March 12, 2017
Where: North Pocono High School
Cost: $20 for campers within the boundaries of NPSD, $25.00 all others
Age; 7 - 12 years of age
Time: Session 1 (11am to 1:30pm) 7-9 yr olds
          Session 2 (2pm to 4:30pm) 10-12 yr olds

Contact: Coach Brian Jardine ( with questions or registrations

Camp Objective: To help young players who are sincerely interested in playing baseball and desire to develop their skills and reach a higher level of performance. Major emphasis will be placed on fundamentals

Event will also offer:

-- Raffle Prizes
-- Drinks & NP baseball gear for sale
-- Q & A for Parents
** Each camper will receive one raffle ticket, additional tickets may be purchased the day of the event.